Terms & conditions
The Club Marconi Fencing Academy will keep your personal information secure and will use this information for the management of Club Marconi Fencing Academy affairs. It may also divulge this information to the AFF, the FIE and the NSW or Australian governments. Except in the circumstances above, the Club Marconi Fencing Academy will not disclose or publish information collected on this form which identifies individual persons without first obtaining their consent.
I declare that I know that I may be injured undertaking fencing.
I declare that I know referees and other officials do not undertake to look after my safety.
I agree to submit to any lawful reasonable drug test ordered by an authorised body and agree to comply with the FIE and AFF rules and policies relating to drug testing.
I agree to be bound by the FIE and AFF Rules of Fencing so far as they apply to me.
I agree to abide by the Club Marconi Code of Conduct.
I the undersigned, hereby agree that the club Marconi Fencing Academy and the Australian Fencing Federation Inc (AFF), and their officers and/or any person associated in any way with the conduct of the competitions, events or activities conducted by the said Academy or Federation (all of which persons, Academy and Federation are severally and jointly included in the term “indemnified”) shall be released from and deemed not responsible and not liable in any way for the injury, illness, or mishap to (“me” or “my daughter/son”) sustained in, arising from or out of, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with any travelling, match, practice or any function of whatsoever nature held or organised by the “indemnified”, or prior to or subsequent thereto and whether occasioned by the negligence, breach of contact or default of any one of them or any one or more of them.
I hereby indemnify the “indemnified” against any actions, suits, causes of action, demands and claims to the greatest extent permitted by law by (“me” or “my daughter/son”) with the intention that they shall be saved harmless in respect of any lability they may have or be found to have to (“me” or “my daughter/son”) and in respect of any costs that they shall incur by reason of any claim made by (“me” or “my daughter/son”) or by any other person in relation to any injury, illness or mishap suffered by (“me” or “my daughter/son”).
This agreement is made on the express understanding that it is made by Club Marconi Fencing Academy as trustee for every persons mentioned above and it may be pleaded by each as defence to a claim or as the basis of a claim for indemnity against a claim.
I declare that I have read and understand the following FIE rules which apply to all levels of training and competition which come under the auspices or the affiliated clubs, associations of the Australian Fencing Federation Inc and the Federation itself.
Book 1 Part 1 Ch 4 Responsibility for Fencers
t.15 Fencers arm, equip and clothe themselves and fence on their own responsibility and at their own risk. The safety measures and methods of control laid down in the present rules are designed to supplement the fencers’ safety and cannot guarantee it. They cannot, therefore, involve responsibility either of the FlE or of the organisations, or of those who may cause the accident.
Book 3 Part 1 Ch 3 Checking of Fencers Equipment
m.37 In all official FIE competitions the fencers are responsible for their equipment (including weapons and clothes) now they present themselves on the piste. Blades, masks and clothing must carry the label of guarantee specified in the safety standards annexed to these rules. The forms of checking laid down by these rules are only intended to help organisers who must apply the Rules and fencers who must always respect the Rules. These checks can, therefore, in no way absolve any fencers who break the Rules from responsibility.
Contact us
Have questions or need more information? We’re here to help. Reach out to us, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
- 0449 848 090
- presidentmarconifencing@outlook.com
Located in Marconi Club, Level 1 at bocce courts
Training days
Monday & Thursday
5:45PM – 7:45PM
General enquiries
Whether you're curious about the art of fencing, the programs we offer or need further information, fill out the form below to get in touch.